Local access to Raspberry pi from your laptop

Remote work has many advantages and disadvantage.
Today I'm going to talk about how to configure local access between Raspberry Pi + Intel Movidius NCS and your Laptop. I'll be using MacBook pro 2017.
Organize local access to Raspberry + Movidius NCS = Quickly / Anywhere from your Laptop
- Raspberry has to give internet access
- ssh access to Raspberry pi from USB
Before you will go to your lovely cafeteria … you have to give ssh access to your Raspberry Pi
Here are 3 methods to enable SSH
Using the Desktop
- Launch Raspberry Pi Configuration from the Preferences menu
- Navigate to the Interfaces tab
- Select Enabled next to SSH
- Click OK
- Using a terminal
Enter sudo raspi-config in a terminal window
- Select Interfacing Options
- Navigate to and select SSH
- Choose Yes
- Select Ok
- Choose Finish
Alternatively, use systemctl to start the service if the above 2 options do not work, however I would really recommend the above 2 options.
sudo systemctl enable sshsudo systemctl start ssh
Ok.. let's go to your lovely cafeteria and take next things… (Raspberry pi, LAN to LAN cable (but shorty if you can), USB/RJ45 adapter or type-C/RJ45, Intel Movidius NCS, charger for raspberry, pi cam or usb camera and of course your work of instrument — Laptop)

- Connect your USB/RJ45 adapter to Laptop
- Switch on your Raspberry
- Connect LAN, Movidius, Camera (pi cam or usb)
- Go to network settings (inside your laptop)
- you have to see a new device (don't touch this)

6. Go to All Settings ->> Sharing

7. Share internet to your raspberry port — it'll be your USB LAN adapter (switch on this settings)
now… You can run terminal and check ssh access to your Raspberry Pi.
ssh pi@raspberry.local
Approve certification, type password to your Raspberry and enjoy it.

Have a nice remotely working — anytime and anywhere